The Longpage is WordPress template created in modern design style usable for desktop, tablet or cell devices. You can create the one-page website with several prepared section and create the layout by your way or you can use the section for your standrad website presentation.
Main Features of Longpage
- Modern clean & universal design style
- Impressive sections usable for any page.
- Smart layout with global & individual settings
- Universal portfolio & many useful shortcodes
- Customisable colors & backgrounds in all sections
- Custom Built Admin panel
Great Sections for One-page design
- Anything Slider Section
- Content Section (fullwidth, sidebar right/left)
- IconSet Section (created for icon & photo sets)
- Great Pictures Presentation Section
- Grid-Gallery Section with great effects
- Video Section for professional video presentation
Minimalist Template can be used for any business:
Hotel & hospitality, restaurant, real estate, marketing company, blog, cms, portfolio website, software & computer sales, information technology, travel & tourism, solicitors, car business, music industry, food & drinks, human resources and personal relations organizations, school, university and college websites, science, magazine & community websites, blog and many more.
With Best Regards AIT Team